Lontani ma Vicini |  Rubrica a cura dei ragazzi dell’Istituto Sant’Apollinare durante il periodo del coronavirus

Silvestri Amata
Scuola Media

Online school at the time of the coronavirus

Italy, China and many other countries in the world have recently been infected by a particular virus that we all know as “coronavirus”, but which in science is called COVID-19. The particular characteristic of this virus is the speed with which it is transmitted.
Italy is one of the countries with more people infected by COVID-19, for this reason the government took a very important decision for the safety of every Italian citizen. At the very beginning it had been decided to close all schools and infrastructures in Italy until 3rd April 2020, then something went wrong and everything was postponed.
This decision, at the beginning, had blocked all school programs that should have been completed by the end of the year, for this reason many schools adopted systems of “distance learning”, according to which lessons would be made by video call, making online tests and sending homework to teachers by email.
In addition to other schools in Italy, also my school has adopted a system of distance learning: every day from 8:00 to 13:35 we attend the video lessons with teachers, following the daily school schedule. I like this system, because it allows us to continue the school programs even if we are far from each other, and so to be aligned with the program and avoid repeating the year.
In my humble opinion, I wouldn’t use it as a new way of being at school, because it has many drawbacks, for example it is very tiring and most of the homework is to be done online, so that forces us to spend the whole day stuck on the computer, or the Ipad or on the phone. I’m always present at all the videolessons, in fact I’m working hard to respect every schedule and follow every lesson, because only by doing so it seems to me to be respectful towards my teachers, who are trying to continue their work.
I strongly believe that despite the situation the school is working hard and the programs of each subject are going on and that, even if with some efforts, we will be able to finish them; moreover, I think that the virtual school system that we are using is excellent, although I would make a small change: in my opinion, the videolessons should start at 8:00 a.m. and finish in the evening: I think that we should alternate one hour of class to one hour of rest, where you can do your homework for the next lesson, in order to give time to the students to take their eyes off the screen and to be able to rest.
In my opinion, the teachers are doing a great job, many of them are confirming their ability to use the Internet, while those who are not very technological are working hard to improve, accepting any advice that allows them to do so.
I think that the use of this online school is allowing us to be closer with our teachers, because we can call them and write them at any time, and fortunately they are always available. Every day teachers ask us if we have had any problems doing our homework, we can ask for help  even if it is out of their availability: that makes my school special. Plus, in case we have problems connecting or participating in some lessons, they are available in the afternoon to explain everything over again.

Despite the fact that I am attending online school, I think that the traditional school is better, because it allows us to meet new people, to have fun and learn new things from people older than us, who by their presence show us their interest and their desire to teach young people how to make our education successful.
In my opinion, distance teaching is positive, if it is adopted in case of extreme need, but it is negative if it is used as a new way of studying, in fact I think that it makes no sense to carry out school activities through a computer, children rather than listening to teachers and their explanations by  internet, could learn to find for themselves the information they need to conclude a program every year, and if so, there would be no need for school to exist.
In my opinion, tests, both oral and written, are some good ways to verify students’ study and skills, but only if they are done at school, in a place where you are under teachers’ surveillance, the same teachers who know you and can help you if you have any difficulties. Anyway I understand and share the need of teachers to do online tests, especially due to the fact that we have been at home for a month and the marks they have may not be enough to give a final evaluation.
There is no way to compare the emotions you feel at school to those you feel at home. When we are at school, each of us is a mixture of being happy and anxious at the same time because of  classmates, tests, teachers’ explanations. Because of the feeling you prove when you get up from the chair and slowly move closer to the blackboard. Because of the fear of making mistakes or of not being able to answer some questions. But also because of the final satisfaction that you feel when you are at school and you receive a good mark. When your teachers are proud of you and your classmates are around.  You feel free, happy and you can’t wait to go home to be able to tell your parents.
To sum up, school is a place to go to. It is for young people to communicate, learn, play and have fun, and you cannot expect this to be done in the same way at home, where you cannot see the other people and where you cannot have a person in front of your eyes teaching you new things.