Lontani ma Vicini |  Rubrica a cura dei ragazzi dell’Istituto Sant’Apollinare durante il periodo del coronavirus

Di Felice Silvia
Scuola Media

Distance learning: united in study

I think it’s difficult to answer these questions and even more to state an opinion without a starting point, so, I would like to begin with a Papa Francesco’s quote: “The school teaches us to understand reality. Going to school means broadening your mind and opening up your heart to reality, in the richness of its aspects, its dimensions.” I have chosen these words because I think they sum up perfectly what the real purpose of the school is.
Nowadays, we are facing a bad period. However, despite all the difficulties, the education is still going on, just because it has an object to reach.
The distance learning is the way to keep our education safe, but do we really like it as students or teachers?
In the preface of his novel “The picture of Dorian Gray”, Oscar Wilde has written, that, we can consider beautiful all the things which are useless and, that, therefore, they can be considered as art demonstrations.
Thinking about this, the answer to the question: “Do you like distance learning?” would be obvious, because it’s a fact that is ugly and nobody likes it. But, I would like to get away from the thought of this author and focus on mine.
I love the school online because it’s a way to go on with the school program and avoid wasting time, although I prefer the usual school.
I say this, because, I think the distance learning is very tiring for the eyes and it is not safe if repeated constantly.
Moreover, reflecting on Pascoli’s poems and on his love of the little things, I finally understand, what he meant. I miss all those little things that used to be my daily routine.
I miss the noise of the teachers’ heels in the corridor while waiting for the lessons to start, the endless chatting of the class during the explanations, the ghostly silence but at the same time full of fear when the teachers announced “the student’s name” for the oral test, the complaints, the jokes, I miss being together.
However, I’m trying to move on and cope with it, following the lessons, the courses, maybe focusing on reading and keeping myself busy, to ensure that every moment isn’t lost and hoping we will soon return to reality.
But, after all, as far as I am concerned, I don’t think it will be that difficult to go back to our normality, because after all, this distance learning has helped education not to be lost.
Even the teachers did a good job, because they got involved from the very beginning, learning and helping us learn new things.
I would suggest, anyway, to let the students take a ten-minute break every two hours to rest their eyesight. Or just to chat as they were at school.
It’s hard times, but everything will be alright.