Lontani ma Vicini |  Rubrica a cura dei ragazzi dell’Istituto Sant’Apollinare durante il periodo del coronavirus

Pirrò Cecilia
Scuola Media

Pandemic of the third millennium from my personal point of view

Today we are facing a difficult situation and the technology seems to be saving our lives. For example, the so-called ” virtual school” is being adopted in this period to avoid losing hours of lessons because of the COVID-19. The government has forced the Country to be in quarantine to prevent the spread of this virus and all schools got online.
The question is: will these video call lessons be able to replace the normal lessons?
In my opinion, the answer is clear: compared to being physically in the classroom, being in a video call is better for several reasons and through analysing them we can surely estimate that one positive aspect is the possibility of waking up later that what we used to do. This is good because teachers and students can rest more than usual and perform better in the lessons.
Another positive point of distance learning is that many people no longer use their car to get their workplace, and that means fresh air everywhere.
Finally, the online school can be very useful for guys because,  especially for those who already know how to use the computer properly; while for those who are not used to using computers there is a chance to learn how to use it since technology will be our close friend for some time.
Despite this, we have also to consider that staying all mornings and a part of the afternoons, always stuck on a screen, could cause damage to our sight.
Another negative effect of distance learning is the one concerning all those written and oral tests which cannot be surveilled any longer. Although many guys are honest, this cannot be said for those students who are taking this opportunity to copy, in order to get higher marks than what they were used to.
Finally, a final defect of the virtual school is the lack of face-to-face communication, the lack of direct interaction with classmates and teachers and the lack of the exchange of ideas and mutual thoughts.
Analyzing therefore all these arguments, we can conclude by saying that the online school is a good assistant of the “traditional” school, but it can never be his substitute.
Nothing can ever replace the sounds of teachers’ explanation or classmates’ laughs.