Lontani ma Vicini |  Rubrica a cura dei ragazzi dell’Istituto Sant’Apollinare durante il periodo del coronavirus

De Caro Francesca
Scuola Media

My personal view on Distance Learning: is it good for us?

During the last few weeks, all the Italian students found themselves, without any notice, in the distance-learning world, a kind of school that is different from the school we used to live. Many students affirm to prefer more this type of learning than the traditional one, unlike many others who prefer the school made of desks and written tests.
I’m still testing digital school, but I’m sure that I prefer the traditional one for two main reasons: first, because I’m not used to this kind of learning and second because distance learning makes me spend most of the day in front of a computer in a little white room, attending my daily lessons and doing homework, without any physical contact with my friends.
What I miss the most is the human contact with my friends, classmates and even with my teachers. I miss having people around me, talking to them face to face, touching them. I do not like talking to people using a phone or a computer, because I need to see them in face. This lack of human contact can influence sometimes my oral tests as well.
Last week I had an oral test, it did not go well at all because I was anxious, and because I couldn’t see my teacher in face. I could not understand what she was thinking of me. I could not see my classmates who at school would always encourage me to do my best. So all of those bad things put me in an uncomfortable situation. I think that school is communication, interaction with people, and no screen can ever replace it.
About my education I think that it’s still safe in some ways but in others it isn’t. On one hand, it is safe thanks to the great job of my teachers. They are really great, and are trying to make the lesson as normal as possible. On the other hand, this kind of learning does not guarantee the correctness of the students during tests. There could be the risk that some of them copy from books or from their notes that they may have put on the computer: you don’t know if that nine it’s a real one, gained as a reward after a long study, or if it’s got after cheating everything.
A good thing that I’m glad of is the fact that my teachers are doing their best in everything both homework and lessons, and they are trying to help us feel comfortable with this situation. I know that for them it isn’t easy, maybe for some of them is more difficult than for others, but I appreciate all of what they’re doing. They are always there if we have a doubt and they are so patient with each of us. The most important thing I’m thankful for is the fact that they are doing their best to allow us to finish the year keeping our education safe and sound. So, even if we cannot do our exam, we are ready to face up the first year of high school without any problem.
I don’t agree with the virtual school system, because, even if someone says that the virtual school is more innovative than the usual one, that it represents “future school”, and that we should start learning how to approach with it, I prefer talking face to face and listening to a well-educated teacher rather than studying by using Wikipedia and the other websites that sometimes tend to contradict each other.
Right now, the only thing we can do is to hope that this situation ends as soon as possible, stay at home and do always our best.