Lontani ma Vicini |  Rubrica a cura dei ragazzi dell’Istituto Sant’Apollinare durante il periodo del coronavirus

Fidani Mattia
Scuola Media

To look into each other’s eyes

Nowadays Coronavirus emergency has changed our way of learning and attending school, that is why distance learning has become the only solution.

Distance learning has some benefits: a wide choice of online teaching materials such as videos, audios and sources to be shared with distant students.
In addition to this, there is no need to move, but you can comfortably stay at home and maybe wake up a little bit later that what you used to. This is especially true for all those students who come from far away and who every day take buses or trains to get to school, and this is also a benefit for both parents and their children.

Distance learning also has limits: you can have technical problems such as forbidden access to the network, or you may not have the right skills to cope with it, especially if you are young. Sometimes, in fact, you need the help of your parents.
At home, it is easier to be distract for several reasons, such as, dad talking on the phone, mum vacuuming or even the younger brother bothering you endlessly.

In the usual school instead you can interact with your friends and teachers, you can tell jokes and meet new people during the break. There is no separating screen.
There, students and teachers can communicate not only through words and books, but through empathy. In the school building there are many people such us operators that are always there to support students.

In my opinion the traditional school is the best and the remote school cannot replace it. I think that looking each other’s eyes is very important. In the classroom it is easier to interact and follow the lesson, it is easier to ask for help.
When it’s time for physical education, we play football or basketball; sometimes we meet other classes and we play together.
I really like my school because I learn by having fun.

There is only one positive thing in distance learning for me: in this period everyone is at home and I can stay with my family all the time.
We don’t have strict hours and we’re all more relaxed.

In conclusion, I believe that distance learning can be a solution only in hard times, the ones we are living. But that it cannot be a definitive solution.