Lontani ma Vicini |  Rubrica a cura dei ragazzi dell’Istituto Sant’Apollinare durante il periodo del coronavirus

Strazza Elena
Scuola Media

Waiting for a better tomorrow

In those days, we had to adopt a new way of learning, because of the Coronavirus, that now is the biggest problem in Italy. This new way of being at school is called “distance learning”. During distance lessons teachers can teach the class using technology. In this way, students can learn and avoid skipping the program of the year.
To be honest, I prefer the usual school because we have a direct contact with the teacher. At school, I can feel different emotions and I can see and talk directly with my classmates. The “new one” is surely the most useful that we have now, but the real problem is that students cannot interact directly with the teacher and with all the school. There is also another problem: staying in contact with technology for so many hours, can be dangerous for our sight. Staying in a classroom with desks, books, white boards and blackboards improve students’ attention during the lesson because they are in a place where everything is real and isn’t made of pixels.
My daily lessons are like the usual ones: I take notes and I pay attention to the teacher every time he talks and I ask questions if I don’t understand something. What I really miss is talking privately with my classmates and having fun during the break. I also miss playing with them in the courtyard. I strongly miss teachers and I would like to hear their real voice one more time in real life and not through computer.
In my opinion my education is quite safe because I can study easily with my classmates and I can follow the program of the year.
I have suggestions to improve this new way of learning: in my opinion, for example, it would be better doing less hours of lessons with this new technology and start them maybe at 9 o’clock AM. In this way teachers and students can relax a little bit more and can follow or teach the lesson more easily.
In conclusion, I really appreciate the work of all the teachers and the way that they are trying to support us in this bad situation. They pay attention for each of us instead of leaving us alone. The only thing that I can say now is: “THANK YOU!”.